Took break from brewing

So I took about 6 months off brewing which I was getting prepared to move. I had all 500lbs of my bulk grains in storage unit and thought they would be ok. Pulled them out and MOLD everywhere so I had to throw them all out which sucked to say the least! keeping in mind I didn’t know until 2 days before brew day when I opened sack.

Now the grain buys I use to do are no more which really stinks. So gotta find another place which I might have in PA.

Updated my brew station with 2 pumps and using pure oxygen to aerate now. Basically I am sooo frigging happy to be back. :smiley:

OH WOW! I would have had a meltdown about that much grain. That stuff’s like gold to me, sorry man. I’m going down for the count with rotator-cuff surgery, so brewing is on hold. Glad your back.

That does suck. Don’t know what your grain storage area is like in the new house, but you might want to consider putting your grain in airtight containers. I use gasketted buckets, which protects from humidity and pests.

After last weekend having my first brew day in over four months, I know how good it is to get back to it. Good luck.