The lady would like a white IPA

and so she shall have one. Any recommendations on yeast?

50:50 pilsener/wheat to 1.070
1oz centennial for 60
0.75 cascade and 0.75 citra (or Amarillo) for 20
O.5 cascade and 0.5 citra/Amarillo for 5
orange peel/coriander at flameout
dry hop .5 centennial and .5 citra
lemongrass in secondary

With those hops I sure would hate to muddle them with anything but 1056

White labs 001 California yeast. Awesome stuff. Really accentuates the hop profile.

We were thinking more along the lines of a Belgian strain… she’s a huge fan of Deschutes’ Chainbreaker

Edit: trust me, if this were my beer it would be a good ol’ American IPA, but alas.

You could have saved 3 posts by mentioned that. :lol:

I would have said 1056/001/US-05 also.

No help from me on the Belgian strains.

There was a Chainbreaker clone recipe in Zymurgy 2-3 issues ago (from a Deschutes brewer). I don’t have it handy at the moment to look up what they recommend. Maybe someone else does.

I’m in the 1056 group also. Just brewed a white IPA in Dec with 1056 and it is fantastic.

I don’t have the Zymurhy, but I’d go with Wyeast’s Forbidden Fruit or Belgian Witbier strains. I was thinking of something similar to this later this year, after I brew my annual spring wit.

I found it. In the July/Aug 2012 issue of Zymurgy, recipes are provided by Brian Faivre (co-brewmaster at Deschutes) for Chainbreaker and Conflux #2. For Chainbreaker, he recommends Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity. For Conflux #2 he recommends 3463 Forbidden Fruit.

BOOM thank you KC!

+1 on 3787 in a Belgian IPA. My second keg of the latest batch is going to blow any day now and I will shed a tear when it’s gone.

I’ve used 3787 in a couple batches, and I really like it (although I generally detest Belgian beers.)

If you haven’t brewed Patersbier yet, this is a must. You could do the Patersbier first, then repitch some yeast into your IPA. Or vice versa, if you’re only going for 1.060 on the IPA.
