The kid is it's brew day!

That’s all

It’s got to be more than that… How about a name for that brew? What are you brewing? Cheers!!!

I had that same opportunity a while back with my son :smiley: How about a Belgian; “Snot Bubble Dubble?”

This is hilarious! My wife is due in about 5 weeks. And I was thinking about EXACTLY what you’re talking about. I just hit year 5 at my job and get an extra week vacation. So now I have 20days to use. I’ll needs some when the baby comes, but I’m already planning out a few ‘sick baby brew days’.

Congrats! :cheers:

Dry dock apricot blonde. This is my fourth brew. I ordered 5 and 6 last night!

Sick kid + Blonde Ale = “Hurlin’ Blonde”? Cheers!!!

Nap time is worth its weight in gold. Not sure the typical durations are cut out for brewing :frowning:
“Burping Baby Blonde”
“High Chair Altbier”

She’s a 4 year old, almost 5. Loves to draw, play games, and watch TV. So it’s no big deal for me. She pretty much does her thing, and I do mine!

I don’t have kids nor do I get paid sick days, I’m so jealous!! And for 11 years of service, I get a whopping 15 days of vacation. Happy Brewing!