Thanks to everyone here I just went from bad to worse

Hey, when were you down in my basement? Add camping stuff, fly rods and skis and pretty much that’s where I live. SWMBO rarely goes down there.

Yea add some golf clubs mitts bats and dome tools. My wife comes down she has the password :wink:

What??? Password?? MMMM BEER ? Just had mouse activity in the brew room. :rage: Brought the cat down stairs. Ran away.:rage::rage:, mouse traps were scavenged out its bait!:rage::rage::rage: More peanut butter, two victims. put the said perps out for the crows, an offering, hopefully to leave the apples alone…. Sneezles61

Cat…pfft…you need a jack russell terror(terrier) brother. No mice around here.

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