where can i order thomas fawcett malts? The link via their website directs me to a blank page. I’m looking for TF golden promise, and dark crystal
The Golden Promise they got here at Northern Brewer won’t work?
http://www.northernbrewer.com/shop/brew ... omise.htmlThey have an English dark crystal here as well:
http://www.northernbrewer.com/shop/brew ... ystal.htmlI’ve used both of these malts from Northern Brewer, and they make a fine beer.
Also, from this chart, I don’t think TF makes a Golden Promise. Only Marris. You can get Optic malt by them from Midwest Supplies.
I’m almost certain they do make golden promise. i can find 55lb bags of it, but not by the lb. if i am mistaken i will use the golden promise from this site
still my question remains. is there a site where i can order TF malts? i’ve used those you offered, dozens of times, but im trying to compare
Mid Country Malt distributes Fawcett but I don’t think they sell retail anymore. You might check their website or call and find a retailer that orders from them, and go through them. TF does make Golden Promise as well as Dark Crystal I and II. Also Halcyon and Pearl.
The guy I get grain from made an order from MidCountry last time and I ordered TF MO but MidCountry was out. Definitely check for availability ahead of time or they might sub another malt. I got Bairds MO, just brewed with it and don’t know yet if its as good as TF.
awesome, thanks for the info. I’ll give them a call :cheers:
I didn’t realize Thomas Fawcett was so difficult acquire :oops:
[quote=“S.Scoggin”]awesome, thanks for the info. I’ll give them a call :cheers:
I didn’t realize Thomas Fawcett was so difficult acquire :oops: [/quote]
Its not really but I think a lot of online vendors tend to put “British” or “German” rather than a particular maltster so they can always have something to offer and don’t have to stock multiple versions of similar products (like five Maris Otters from different maltsters).
I do kind of look at Thomas Fawcett as the top British maltster, kind of like Weyermann is for Germany. But variety is the spice of life so a shortage of one malt is an opportunity to try another.
[quote=“tom sawyer”]
I do kind of look at Thomas Fawcett as the top British maltster, …[/quote]
precisely why i want to try it. I feel like I’ve tried all the other british matls, and i hear TF is the cream of the crop. i will be spending some time in England this summer and plan on brewing an ESB while I’m there, and id like to have some experience with it before i go.
again, thanks for the info :cheers:
I’d read stories about drought in the UK affecting barley harvests. According to this guy, TF had a much smaller yield this past year.
http://www.mountbaldybrewing.com/forum/ ... f=17&t=383The Country Group is the exclusive distributor for TF in North America, so it may be some time before their Maris Otter is easily available again. I have a sack of it, so I may need to pick up some other malts so I can hoard it for my English style beers. They definitely don’t do new retail customers, as the Country Group bought Brewcraft, which distributes to LHBS.
Thats interesting news, I don’t feel so bad about getting subbed now. Be sure and post if anyone finds that another maltster’s MO is tasty. I’m brewing 15gal of special bitter using Bairds, it’ll be done in a couple of weeks.
The guys at fiftypoundsack.com sell Fawcett MO, they may be able to get a sack of golden promise for you. Or if you know a homebrewer near you that still has an open account with North Country Malt you can get it directly. They stopped taking new accounts a couple years ago but still accept orders from existing customers.
I know it’s not TF, but I brewed a couple really excellent beers using Simpson’s Golden Promise purchased from Fifty Pound Sack.