I’m thinking of adding tap towers to my kegerator since it looks easier than building a collar. But, I’m wondering what issues you more experienced brewers have with this design. I’d be installing two double tap towers.
My kegerator sits in my garage and is obviously prone to temp changes. It’s easily in the 80’s during the summer months when the garage door is closed, and hotter when it’s open. So, would I need to install some sort of cooling fan for the towers to reduce foaming? It rarely drops below 40 in the winter months.
I know that I won’t be able to fully open my lid, but it seems like if I put the tower in the middle of the lid, I’ll have enough space to get kegs in and out and whatnot. Any advice here?
If there are any other problems you’ve experienced, please share. I’m leaning towards towers because it seems easier and I prefer the look, but could build a collar if needed.
I have a tower mounted on my chest freezer / kegerator. I have no issues opening the top fully. The only issue is the tower getting warm and a little foaming. You would have this issue with any tower mount whether it is a dedicated kegerator or a chest freezer conversion. I got a tower cooler that uses a computer fan. In addition use longer lines and this issue is negligble.
How long are the lines? And do you adjust the psi at which you carb the beer to compensate? I haven’t really gotten into thinking about balancing the keg lines.
I’ve got 10’ lines. I use the set it and forget it method so I serve at carbonation level. I have put belgians on tap at 15-17psi without foaming issues. I’ve found that it is easier to control head with the tilt of the glass rather than how fast it comes out of tap.
I have the exact same setup Loopie has, 10’ beer lines and a tower cooler I made from a computer fan, a project box I got from Radio Shack, a conduit coupling, and a piece of 3/4" plastic hose. I’ve almost completely eliminated any foaming issues, plus the fan serves double duty by circulating the air in my kegerator and keeping the temperature consistent throughout.
I have 6’ lines and get some foaming but only with the first pint of the evening. I’ve been thinking about adding a tower cooler for some time but haven’t got around to it.
I have a dual faucet tap tower on one of my kegerators. IME if you run LONG 1/4" lines and insulate the tower with thin insulation allowing for as much internal air flow as possible, the tower cooler isn’t necessary. No issues with foaming.
Some towers aren’t tall enough to fit a pitcher or growler under. This is something that can be worked around, for instance, with tubing, but if this is a big thing for you, get one that’s tall enough.
Because my tower is not cooled, that part of the line gets nasty. After 1-2 years there is a significant built up of biofilm (lactobacillus?) in the tubing and it needs to be replaced, at least in my system.
2. Because my tower is not cooled, that part of the line gets nasty. After 1-2 years there is a significant built up of biofilm (lactobacillus?) in the tubing and it needs to be replaced, at least in my system.[/quote]
I change all tubing annually with both of my systems.