T-58 yeast

Anybody got a favorite temp for this yeast? Brewing a Belgian blond, OG 1.065-has a pound of light brown candy sugar in it, pilsner malt.



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I brewed a Belgian Blond with it this spring and love it. I kept it in the low 60’s.

Thanks, that’s what I was hoping to hear. Pitched at 64, gonna try to keep it there (swamp cooler)



I let this brew free rise after activity started slowing-about 4 days in. But now 8 days later i’m still getting a burp about every 10-15 seconds. Taste is spot on and SG is 1.010. Do you have any notes on the FG of your brew? Never used this yeast so I really don’t know what to expect. I’ve read it can be a low attenuator, but obviously not here. Thanks for any help…



FG was 1.009, so you’re close. It was still bubbling about 3 bubbles per minute from the blow-off tube 11 days later with an SG of 1.016. So it does seem to take longer to reach FG. I kept mine in the low 60’s the whole time though, so I’m not surprised yours is finishing quicker. I’m definitely going to use this yeast again. The flavor is wonderful.

Thanks, that eases my mind. And it’s also the cloudiest brew I’ve ever done. Looks like orange juice. By this time, most all of my brews have started to clear, at least a little.



It was cloudier, but it does clear a fair amount. After drinking several of these, I can’t say it’s the clearest beer I’ve made, but it doesn’t stay like OJ.

Here’s a picture of my Belgian Blond with the T-58 yeast. Sorry, the picture isn’t the greatest. The copious amount of CO2 bubbles in the beer and the condensation on the outside of the glass in this 90 degree humid weather make it look cloudy, but shining a light through it, I think you can get an idea that the beer clears out fairly well.

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Thanks, dvm. Can’t wait to get this one bottled.

