Sweet Stout

I just bottled my sweet stout. My OG was 1.052, but my FG was 1.022. This is after 3 weeks in the primary. I didn’t do a secondary, as I usually do. Week 1 was at 62 degrees, week 2 was with a brew belt at 70 degrees, then week 3 was without the brew belt at 62 degrees. I used WLP002 with a 1.5 L starter. I’m just hoping I don’t have gushers, since I’m splitting this batch with my brother in law. Any advice? Am I OK, or should I put it in the fridge after a week or two?

As far as the FG goes that is about right you won’t get it much if any lower in other words it’s done.

Thanks, Chuck. Those are comforting words.