Subbing 2-Row

Arrrhhggg! There’s a guy who owns a new HBS about 45 minutes from my house. I had placed an order a few weeks ago to get a sack of Great Western 2-row for $47.50 in a bulk buy. When he placed the order, they were out of GW so he subbed Briess ($45.00) without consulting me. I would have never subbed Briess for GW–especially when I can get a sack of Rahr delivered to my house from NB for $49.00.

I’m inclined to not accept the Briess. Am I overreacting?

The lesson: from now on, buy Rahr from NB.

No you are not overreacting. You wanted one product and they tried to give you another. I agree that a good sub for GW would be Rahr, not Briess. This guy might be thinking that he can pull a fast one like " Its all the same ". Its not and I would decline.

He was cool about it when I told him Briess would not work for me. I doubt I’ll be buying US 2-row from him given the NB sack price, but his Fawcett MO price is quite a bit better. Hopefully he doesn’t sub that with Munton’s. :roll:

Yea KC ive had that happen to me, more then once wich is 2 times 2 many. Cheers.