Steam basket for BIAB brewing

So as I was thinking of ways to make straining/lautering my BIAB brews easier and less messy, it dawned on me that maybe I should look into getting a steamer basket for my 10-gallon kettle. I was thinking something like this: ... BSK40.html.

Has anybody else used something like this for BIAB brewing? If so, any pros/cons?

I only BIAB my 2.05gal test batches but I think I would steer clear of that. Those holes look too big and would allow a lot of grain to pass through. I think you want something more like this:

Thank you for posting that…looks awesome.

I have a 20 gallon pot that came with s steamer basket. I’m thinking of making biab bag to line it and do a 20 or 15 gal biab. I know its crazy but at some point I’m gonna try it

I do 12 gallon batches BIAB. I have a little ratchet hoist rigged up over the MT/BK. Pull the bag out, let it hang and drain, sparge by pumping water from the HLT over it.

When I was doing 5-6 gal batches in a smaller kettle I’d pull the bag and set it on an oven grate on top of the kettle and let it drain, then sparge on there.

You’d need some way to rest the strainer/steamer on top of the kettle when you pull it.

Thanks for the link Loopie! That actually looks exactly like what I had in mind, and I may even go that route (if I decide to dig deeper into my wallet)!

For clarification, the basket that I posted would be lined with a nylon mesh bag. Right now, I’m doing what Danny mentioned, in that I’m running 5 gallon batches, and sparging my mesh bag on top of a grill grate over my boil kettle. The problem that I keep running into is that that the bag, when full of wet grist, is larger than the diameter of the boil kettle, which results in wort spilling over the outer sides of the kettle when sparging. I was thinking that even a basic steamer basket would help contain the bag and keep its footprint confined to within the diameter of the boil kettle.

That being said, the product that Loopie posted would eliminate the need for a bag all together (plus it comes with a press, which is nice!).

Yup, I had this issue a couple times too. I found that having it suspended from the hoist helps with this as well as saving my back on the bigger grain bills.

That basket does look nice but kinda pricey.

Yup, I had this issue a couple times too. I found that having it suspended from the hoist helps with this as well as saving my back on the bigger grain bills.

That basket does look nice but kinda pricey.[/quote]

My thoughts exactly! The hoist is a good idea as well. Up to now, I’ve been trying to hold the bag up with one hand to keep the corners from folding over the edges of the grate, while tilting a 3 gallon stock pot with sparge water in the other to rinse my grain. Not too efficient a method :?

I’ve found a large half round shaped strainer that straddles the top of the pot contains the bag. Works great.

Large enough to fit in a 10 gallon pot? If so, is there a website you can point me toward?

Large enough to fit in a 10 gallon pot? If so, is there a website you can point me toward?[/quote]

Yes it is. I got mine at a tag sale but they have them at a lot of places. I found this link for you. … aQod6GMIsA

Mine is round but this should work

One last question before I make decision (and finally put this thread to rest), is it safe to use aluminum, or should I stick with stainless steel for any and all brewing materials?