Made two 1L starters tonight. The back one is a WLP008 East Coast Ale for a Grand Armory Weezin’ the Juice near beer attempt and the front is a harvested US-05 for our first AG “Big Mo” MO/Mosaic beer. The Big Mo is a 9.5% deal and the Weezin’ is around 6.1%. Just put them in a few minutes ago.
Nice! Good move harvesting for a 9.5% beer. You’ll need plenty of healthy yeast.
If the starter doesn’t look great by Wednesday I also have some packets of 05 as my backup plan.
And 22 hours later:
008 is making cells and the 05 is looking good too!
Ain’t skeerd…
There just bugs… Sneezles61
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And as my son/brewing partner says,“Were just makin’ beer man.”
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Never would’ve thought of it if it weren’t for you guys!
Certainly can tell which one was harvested!
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Finished brewing about 4pm yesterday. Put both jugs in the fermentation chamber set at 59.5 F. Both were happily bubbling away this am with fermometers reading 62-64. Checked them this evening and they both seem to rolling along very steady without going nuts. Temperature control- mmmmmm …