Star-San question?

Hello I have a bottle of star-San an the black plastic Screwtop lid is cracked open an little bit leaked out. Would my bottle of star-San still be good or should I purchase a new bottle of star-San?

The Star San is still good. It is a non-separating chemical composition. (Proper term would not come to me.)

I switched the caps around on my small bottle when the cap cracked. The cracked one has a piece of duct tape under it to create a seal. Caps from a soda bottle will fit the medium size bottle.


Stable may be appropriate? Sneezles61

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I thought it was just me. Those caps must be pretty brittle. I did two of them before realizing I was over torquing them. I bet you have the same problem.

I didn’t try the soda cap, if that works, go for it. If not just get another same-sized bottle of Star San. (you’ll need it eventually) Borrow the cap from the new bottle until the current one runs out. The new bottle will still be sealed with that factory seal until you’re ready for it. Don’t try to get the cap too tight anymore.

I worry more about whatever the star san leaked on. That stuff is like pH 3 AFTER diluting it in 5 gallons. It’s gotta be pretty potent at full strength…

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The cracked caps are typical for StarSan. That won’t affect the product’s performance…unless the container falls over and leaks all over the place!

While StarSan is a good sanitizer, it doesn’t work on all beer spoiling organisms. You would be wise to include Iodophor and other sanitizers in your cleaning protocol.

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Good to know! Sneezles61

Leaky Star-San ate a hole through the bottom of my kitchen cabinet. I found it impressive, but the landlord didn’t share my same level of enthusiasm.