Stainless growlers

Just saw the new stainless growlers. Great design and very attractive.
I was SHOCKED at the price!


I also had sticker shock. With double-walled, insulating stainless construction, I wouldn’t expect it to be cheap, but wow! I can get a 5 gal stainless beverage cooler for $90. I just don’t know too many folks that would shell out $50+ for this. They must be expecting to sell just a few as a specialty gift item.

Yeah, my brother has one (not the NB one obviously) but he swears by it. Seems like he is always coming over to fill that damn thing off my taps… It is awesome though

I picked up one of these growlers a few months back. I love it! Works great for ice water when we work on our son’s flooded out house. The only kerfuffle with the Hydroflask is that I own is getting the top screwed on tight enough for beer. It takes a little effort to seal properly. Just purchased a second one for my son.

If it holds temp as well as it says, it is worth it. I wouldn’t trade my insulated mug for the world. Others online run about 50 bucks too, plus NB needs a cut too.

I’ve got the 64oz hydro flask (non-northern brewer). It is the main growler I use since I like to take it tailgating. It stays cool without ice through out the day. The major advantage is I don’t have to worry about dropping it on asphalt. Much safer for tailgating. The major disadvantage is not being able to see the foam line when you are filling it. You have to guess when it is filled. I wouldn’t take it to a brewery to be filled since they could unintentionally short you very easily.

I paid a lot less for it without the Northern Brewer logo with free shipping.

Here’s the link
for people like me who have trouble finding such things.

Too damned fancy for me, really.

Wow, that looks nice! I would prefer a bigger capacity than 4 pints for $60+.

Had ice water in mine yesterday. Still had ice in it 24 hrs. Later.

I looked at them yesterday at the Lyndale store. if I made more money (damn slow season) I’d get one. got a few of the Belgian Snifters instead.