Some L A R G E cooking equipment

Not sure if anyone is looking for such, but a Buddy has a couple of 40 gallon braising pans listed on Craigslist.
They came from an institution, ( mental perhaps?), and are used for preparing soups, stews, pasta’s, wort, etc…
They look to be adaptable to beer making I would guess, if someone needed to cook that much brew!
They have an electric tilt feature on them for pouring off the product.

Whatever you do, don’t look up the price on a new one :o

Tilt Skillets. Like a huge pot with lots of power and they dump like a dump truck. And they are designed to be used 7 days a week 8 hours a day.

for a homebrew bk they have a signifigantly larger surface area than most would be used to. Recipes may need adjusted.

would be nice for a huge mash because clean up would be easy they dump with an electric motor or a hand crank. temp control would take some getting used too. the lids are thin and the have a large surface area to lose heat but there is plenty of power in the heating elemts to keep temp would just take some practice.