Sodium. Percarbonate

Been reading. About this. Can you use this. As cleaning. Product. For example. Kegs. Or. Fermentors.

PBW and other cleaners we use are percarbonates. Probably the best choice for cleaning homebrew equipment.

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Me do use. Pwb and starsan. As my major cleaning. Product. But me thinking. First clean with the sodium percarbonate. Than on keg day. Or brewing day. Clean with. Pwb and starsan. Kind of anal mayby. Cleaning twice. But hey its my system. And i like it. Today. Pilsner. Brew session

Does anyone use oxiclean versatile?

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I do. It’s a percarbonate. I believe any color safe “bleach” is. There was a recipe for something similar to PBW.
It was Oxyclean, tsp substitute, and a mild powdered dish detergent. I made up about 4lbs but I’m getting low, so I’ll have to see if I can find it.

Ace Hardware carries the Red Devil tsp sub. Any paint supply should.
Sodium. Percarbonate

Me was reading the same thing. Got me thinking. Why not use sodium precarbonate. For keg cleaning. My idea. Clean kegs with this. On keg day. Me clean one more time with pbw. And starsan. My wife ask me if i need something from the supermarket. Told her look for sodium. Precarbonate. She did find. 2 lbs. Bag. For 1.89 dollar. See if this works. Soon

We had a discussion like this a couple of years ago on here. I think someone calculated the cost of PBW to something like 25 cents per 5 gallons mixed. Personally, I’ll go with the convenience of ordering a big container of PBW and scooping it out when I need it over mixing up a bunch of stuff to save 5-6 pennies per cleaning.

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Dont get me wrong. Me still use. Pdw. But i was reading the artical. About sodium percarbonate. Was thinking. Mayby use it for keg cleaning. Than on keg day use pdw. And starsan just a thought

Just sounds like overkill to me but if it makes you happy clean away brother!

Yeh I just use straight oxiclean and it works fine for me

Yup. Another option is to clean kegs with high pressure and soak with sanitizer. I generally din’t use soap in my kegs unless they’re really nasty. If they’re bad i use mild dish washing soap and hot water, Most of the time it’s high pressure water and a scrub brush followed by Star San.

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I agree. A rinse with hot water seems to suffice followed by star san. I soak my carboy in oxiclean and water for a day or 2 to break down the krausen ring and then scrub it off with a brush. Very simple and quick.