Smell of hops

Been brewing yesterday. Did a double ipa. But what i do open the hops and smell them. Been brewing now bit longer than a year. And use different kind of hop pellets. But is it just me. They all smell the same

You’re not alone, Wilco. I’ve thought the same thing. Sometimes I think I can smell a little difference in hops, but it’s just intensity rather than anything else. I can TASTE the differences, especially the piney ones. But I think smelling the difference probably takes a fairly experienced nose.


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Yes indeed. Did use palisade hops for bitering yesterday. This i could smell. But the other ones. Maybe indeed my nose not good

A lot of the c hops are very similar aroma wise. Just the other day I was explaining hops to a newbie and was showing off my hops collection. The German hops had quite a different aroma. I didn’t have any English hops to compare at the time though

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I guess it’s a lot like tasting nuances in beer. If you taste (or in this case smell) them side by side you can sense the difference, but just randomly by themselves it harder to tell a difference.
