Single tier Brewsstands - Chicago Area

I’m wondering if anyone can help with finding someone in the Chicago area that makes single tier brewstands. Currently I’m using 20g megapots for my kettles and have 2 Edelmetall™ Brü Burners, pumps, etc. I would just like the stand built and have them mount the burners, everything else I can count and take care of myself.


I’m sure any welding shop in the area can make you a stand. A year or so ago I wanted a coupler welded in and contacted a car restoration guy who welded it in for me.

I know you said you were looking to have someone build the stand, but for the cost of someone welding a steel frame together you could build an aluminum t-slot frame on your own and it is considered by some to be the Cadillac of building materials just below stainless. The stuff is amazing to work with and you can do just about anything with it.

Also, there’s a local guy to me wanting to sell his Brutus cart with everything included but the kettles and pumps. It is a HERMS setup with Auberins control panel. $1500. It just so happens that I’m coming to Indianapolis to visit my daughter in a couple of weeks, so that’s pretty close to you.