Should i leave it?

We brewed our first batch and it was a cream ale on 6-12-12 and within four days or so the foam subsided and it stoped bubbling thru the air lock. Now i know it says to keep it in the fermentor for two weeks. so my question is should i leave it in there for the the two weeks because its still doing its thing or should i bottle it?

Leave it for 2 weeks. Then take a gravity ready 2-3 days in a row. If it’s the same and it should be, bottle’er up! That beer is low gravity, so 2 weeks is good. If it were a bigger beer, I’d say leave it for at least 3 weeks.

thanks for the info. I think I’m just really anxious to try our first home brew. looking at it just sitting there makes me wanna drink right from the carboy even though it will be flat lol

[quote=“saltydawg”]thanks for the info. I think I’m just really anxious to try our first home brew. looking at it just sitting there makes me wanna drink right from the carboy even though it will be flat lol[/quote]Patience is one of the hardest things to embrace in homebrewing. Do yourself, and your beer, a favor and buy another fermenter and get a second batch going ASAP. Then a third.

Remember to use 1 plastic soda bottle when you do go to bottle. Squeeze the air out and screw the cap on. The bottle will expand as CO2 is formed.

Some also like to give the bottling bucket a stir after ever 6-12 beers. Keeps any sugar that may drop out back in suspension.


Yes. Satisfy your beer urge by buying another kit and fermentor and brewing it.

Yes. Satisfy your beer urge by buying another kit and fermentor and brewing it.[/quote]

Not to mention it will allow you to bulk age “big” beers.

what’s the point of putting some in a plastic bottle? is it to tell when you’re beer is fully carbonated or to see if you did it right or both?

It keeps you from wondering what is happening in the glass bottles.

As CO2 is formed, the bottle will expand out to it’s normal size and become rigid. Let them sit for another week or two after that.

If you can plan ahead, 1l and 2l bottle are handy to take to poker night or Monday Night Football gatherings.