Secondary Fermentation?

From what I’ve read on previous posts “the fermentation of the beer will be complete within 3-8 days (bigger = longer). This time period includes the secondary or conditioning phase of fermentation when the yeast clean up acetaldehyde and diacetyl.”

So its best just to leave in the primary for 3-8 days? or longer? No need to transfer to secondary? After this point do you keg and bottle the beer? How long should they be left in the bottle or keg before drinking? Im a newb and trying to learn everything I can. Thanks.

Fermentation, maybe. Conditioning, no. More stuff happens afterward. Sounds insane, but it’s true, yeast need to clean up after themselves because they leave lots of byproducts of fermentation. Plus, your beer will continue to settle and clear afterwards. Give any ales at least two or three weeks in primary before thinking about packaging. Lagers are a different beast, entirely, and I’m no expert on them.

I have typically been leaving brews in primary for 3 weeks then transferring to keg without using a secondary lately. The best way to tell if your beer is finished fermenting is to take a gravity reading. Then take another one two days later, if the number is the same, you’re done. Typically active fermentation will slow down after 1-1.5 weeks and then I let it sit at least another week to finish out.

When I put into keg, if it needs a dry hop, then I simply dry hop in bags (tied very loosely to let them swim around some) for the required time then put into kegerator to carb. Carbing typically takes me about a week (30 psi 1-2 days, 20 psi 2-4 days then sample till happy with carb). You can bottle directly off the tap fairly simply. I use Mullerbrau’s method

myself and it works very well. Once it’s carbed typically its ready to drink. Some need more time than others so it depends on what you’re brewing. I have my imperial stout sitting in keg until I tap it in late November early December.
