Second runnings left until another day

I’m thinking about doing a real big beer later in the year. The thought just struck me that there would be enough left in there to get a second smaller beer out of the mash. The only problem is I don’t want to deal with two boils in one day. Can I put the second runnings in the fridge and boil them in a day or two? A week or two? longer?

I would plan on doing the boil the next day at the latest. Unless…

IIRC, Onthekeg has boiled the wort, added hops and hot transferred the wort into kegs. Sealed and allowed to cool. Then pitched yeast even weeks later. Even lagers.

If you have kegs, bring it to a boil and do this. The do the boil, hop additions later.

If you don’t have kegs. I would bring it up to a boil. Put a lid on the pot and kill the flame. Then start the boil the next day.

What ever you do, you want to bring it up to at least a pasteurization temp. Otherwise it will sour on you.

Do you have more than one burner/kettle? I have done this same thing and what I did was collect the first runnings in my boil kettle as usual for the big beer. Then, collected the second runnings in a five gallon bucket. Cleaned out my mash kettle, added the second runnings to the cleaned mash kettle and used that, on its own burner for a second boil that was about 20 minutes behind the first boil. Added a little water/extract to get the volume and gravity I wanted. Finished the first boil, cooled, put the chiller in the second boil while I moved the first to fermenter.

Or, if you have a brewing friend, maybe invite them over with their burner/kettle for a “share of the loot.”

I would not let unboiled wort sit over night - I think you are asking for trouble. And, if you are going to bring it up to boil to sterilize it, might as well finish the boil at that point IMO.

Pasteurization occurs during the mash (at least 145F for at least 30 min). This is how unboiled beers like sahti dont go bad. As long as you transfer your second runnings to a sanitized container, then it should keep for quite some time, especially if you refridgerate it. I, personally, would deal with it that day, but if you are unable to, then just be very sanitary and it should last you. Keep in mind that your receptacle will be sanitary, not sterile, so there will be some shelf life associated with it.


[quote=“Guskoff”] As long as you transfer your second runnings to a sanitized container, then it should keep for quite some time, especially if you refridgerate it. I, personally, would deal with it that day, but if you are unable to, then just be very sanitary and it should last you. Keep in mind that your receptacle will be sanitary, not sterile, so there will be some shelf life associated with it.


I’m still up in the air about even messing with the second runnings.
Wouldn’t the boil take care of any nasties that get in the second runnings?

have you thought of inviting a buddy over to boil the “smaller” batch?

[quote=“Guskoff”]Pasteurization occurs during the mash (at least 145F for at least 30 min). This is how unboiled beers like sahti dont go bad. As long as you transfer your second runnings to a sanitized container, then it should keep for quite some time, especially if you refridgerate it. I, personally, would deal with it that day, but if you are unable to, then just be very sanitary and it should last you. Keep in mind that your receptacle will be sanitary, not sterile, so there will be some shelf life associated with it.


Though your numbers are correct, according to a wiki page, I can’t justify this base on mashing for 60 minutes at 150* and having the mash spoil/sour within a day.

[quote=“Rookie L A”]

I’m still up in the air about even messing with the second runnings.
Wouldn’t the boil take care of any nasties that get in the second runnings?[/quote]

This issue would be the wort “souring” before you bring it up to a boil.