Savor your brewday


Savor your brewday, you don’t know when your next one will be. I am returning from a long illness called Guillain-Barre Syndrome

this is my brewday of a Drydock kit from NB. As you can see below this is the inaugural run of my new bayou burner that my wife got me for my Birthday back in July when I was hospitalized.

Strike temp was a bit low so I drained off 1 gal, brought it to a boil and added it back. Nailed my goal temp of 154F

Awesome Kit

Grinding with my brew buddy

New Burner

Just Chillin

My OG came out 1.052 and pitched my yeast at 70F.

I was stuck in the hospital for 15 weeks this past year, 8 weeks solid I was completely quadraplegic. But now I am back to walking unassisted. This all started March of 2012, but now I am almost completely back to normal. The last little bit may take a couple more months. Can’t wait till I can run again!

Wow! Good to get back to brewing just try not to over do it. Congrats on fighting through it and hopefully all will be back to normal soon.

Glad to see you are doing better. Well done

What a great post. Here’s to your continued recovery and thanks for the perspective. Its easy to forget sometimes how lucky we are to be able to engage in this hobby and share it with friends, and that we are a moment away from never being able to do it (amongst other things) again. Glad you have been able to rejoin the ranks of avid homebrewers, and I hope that this is your best beer yet!


Glad you are doing better and back to brewing. BTW, by any chance did you receive a Flu shot in the six months before you contracted Guillain-Barre Syndrome?

wow - sorry to hear about that but glad to hear you’re back brewing, and more importantly, healthy!

I’m always amazed by how many cases of GB that I hear of. My cube neighbor’s husband just recently got over a case of GB.

Glad to see your back on your feet. Now get your brew on!

Oh yea, the first flue shot in 16 years. I had not got one since I left the USMC in 1996.

Thanks for the well wishes everyone.

I have to say yesterdays brew session was one of the most tranquil and relaxing I have ever had. One of my daughters sat with me for the majority of the session, I was pumping the pandora on my phone and using the brewr brew timer for all my hop additions. Plus it was nice and cool and just felt good to be by the burner.

Oh yea, the first flue shot in 16 years. I had not got one since I left the USMC in 1996.[/quote]

Yep. Not surprised. Bet they didn’t tell you that before they gave you the shot, eh?


Actually they did tell me that was a possible side effect, I asked what is a good reason for not getting the flu shot. They said, egg allergies and history of GB.

Ha ha, now I have an excuse for life baby!

Glad you pulled through and are on the mend. I totally concur with the sentiment that we should savor brewing. My buddy and I periodically brew a large batch together, and I actually postponed our brewday this last Saturday because we had other things going on and would have had to rush to get done. Not sure when we’ll get rescheduled, but I’m sure it was the right call.

I agree, rushing through a brew is no fun. You have to have time to stop and smell the hops! :wink:

Glad to hear you are back at it and healthy now. I had not heard from you lately. I was just in San Diego last week to help get my son’c car and him to Miramar MCAS.

My last duty station in the USMC was MCAS Miramar, I was an F/A-18 C mechanic (hydraulics and airframes). What speciality is your son?

[quote=“bstein”]My last duty station in the USMC was MCAS Miramar, I was an F/A-18 C mechanic (hydraulics and airframes). What speciality is your son?[/quote]He is Crew Chief on Super Stallion helicopter. That thing is HUGE! It holds 53-55 troops.

Too cool, that has got to be fun. I miss the old days sometimes, still keep in touch with many of those guys on Facebook.

Cheers to your son, tell him thanks a lot for serving. PM me if you ever come out to SD for a brew event. It would be nice to meet you in person.

Thanks, I will tell him that. I am bummed that we couldn’t hook up. I remember talking with you years ago and always thought it would be cool to share some brews and times with you guys on the forum. I will keep it in mind for next time out there.

Nice use of the impromptu decoc. I had an awesome brew session Friday night. I finished at 1:30 in the morning and it was sixty degrees out. Had to get up and go to work at 7, but it was worth it - I had that feeling of accomplishment and anticipation from getting a batch in the carboy all day.

Wow, man. That must have been a crazy trip. It’s really good to hear that you were able to come back from that. Happy brewing, and thanks for reminding us to brew in the moment. :cheers: