Hello all Home Brewers,
I would just like to remind you that the registration for the Sasquatch Brew Fest Homebrew Contest registration is still open until April 28, 2012 (see http://tinyurl.com/87gj68q for competition. Among other prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, the Best of Show prize for this competition is lodging and admission to HopUnion’s Hop School for brewers (see HopUnions web page at http://tinyurl.com/6w4gobt).
Please help us support the benefit event which raises money for the non-profit Glen Falconer Foundation. The foundation provides full-tuition brewing education scholarships to homebrewers and brewers. Since 2004 the foundation has awarded fifteen full-tuition scholarships and also has raised money for other non-profit organizations in the Eugene area.
Entries must be received by Falling Sky Brewing in Eugene, Oregon by April 28, 2012. Shipping address is 30th East 13th St. Eugene Oregon 97401. Entries may also be dropped off by April 28, 2012 at F. H. Steinbart Co., 234 SE 12th, Portland OR 97214.
If your interested in judging on May 5, 2012, you can register at the website listed above.
Event website: http://www.northwestlegendsfoundation.org/
Questions or more information please contact: sassyhomebrew gmail.com.
Good luck and thanks for your support,
Cascade Brewers Society