Saison Extract Kit

Has anyone out there brewed this? I can not say I have had a Saison style
beer before.

I brewed it a month ago. The 3724 Wyeast takes a loooong time and after doing some research - when my fermentation stalled - I found it also likes warm temps. Moved it to a hot room and it took off like banshee again.

Have not tried it yet, and as of now it’s about 3 weeks in bottle.

I really like the WY3711 French Saison yeast, it is much less cantankerous and ferments dry while still leaving good mouthfeel and a nice fruity character.

As for deciding if you like a saison, try and find a bottle of Saison Dupont at a liquor store that carries a good selection of imported craft beer. And you can read up on the style at the BJCP website.

Ive made this. Its good. I do reccomend getting the French saison yeast instead, and you’ll have a good beer either way. I say go for it. I brew this one occassionally.