Re-pitch more yeast?

I replaced a blow off tube with an air lock today. The bucket of star San I used for the end of the tube had what seemed a fair amount of carry over from the carboy in it. I made a starter for this Belgian triple, should I buy another Wyeast 3787 and pitch it to make up for the loss of yeast?

Happens all the time…don’t sweat it, it’ll be fine.

Thanks Denny! That bucket was mucked up! Thought for sure I did something wrong. Never used a blowoff before. I know one thing, I got to get rid of that vinyl tube and find a silicon one. Trying to clean that thing was like wrestling an anaconda!

Thanks Denny! That bucket was mucked up! Thought for sure I did something wrong. Never used a blowoff before. I know one thing, I got to get rid of that vinyl tube and find a silicon one. Trying to clean that thing was like wrestling an anaconda!
:cheers: [/quote]

I just soak them in hot Oxiclean or PBW for a couple hours and it cleans them right up.

I have the fermentation from h_ll going on. I replaced the blow off tube three times now. Just when it seems the fermentation settles and I install the air lock, WHAM! It pukes again. My workshop is 60 degrees, Fermentation slowed, I switched to an air lock and transferred the carboy to the basement where the temperature is 68 degrees. Then I had the first blow up. So I cleaned up the mess, cleaned up the air lock and moved the carboy back to the workshop. While at work, I had SWMBO check things for me and sure enough it was again overflowing out the air lock. She was kind enough for me to walk her through the reinstallation of the blow off tube. Where she got a face full of krausen when she removed the air lock. This afternoon, I had to wash out the blow off tube, it was pretty gunked up. I moved the carboy back to the 68 degree room and left the blow off tube in the carboy this time. I am hoping that all this messing with the blow off tube didn’t infect the beer. I used star san throughout this whole ordeal. :shock: