Hey everyone,
Yesterday I brewed a Kolsch and made a yeast starter for it using a White Labs German Ale/Kolsch Yeast. I finished brewing and pitched the yeast starter around 4pm yesterday and noticed that I had some blowoff around noon today.
The airlock was barely on and there was a handful of yellowish-brown krausen sliding down the fermentor. I meant to just put on the blowoff hose last night but wasn’t thinking this time. I cleaned up the mess and sanitized a blowoff hose and attached it on there. Is there any chance that my beer can get infected/ruined because of this? I have no idea how long it was sitting without the airlock on and am now just worried about the outcome of this batch in general.
This is the first time I have personally dealt with a blowoff so any futher advice or information regarding the potential consequences of this event would be appreciated.