Question about the White House Honey Porter recipe

I’m interested in making the White House Honey Porter and I’m confused by one of the ingredients.

The recipe is here: ... eer-recipe

What I don’t get is this:

“10 HBUs bittering hops”

Their hop addition schedule says:

“Boil for an hour. Add half of the bittering hops at the 15 minute mark, the other half at 30 minute mark, then the aroma hops at the 60 minute mark.”

Is this basically saying choose any low IBU bittering hop you want?
I haven’t seen hops referred to this way before.


“10 HBUs” means the product of the weight and the AA% - so one oz of 10% AA or two oz of 5% AA would both give you 10 HBUs.

Thank you very much!

For a recipe like this if they don’t specify a specific bittering hop, I’d choose something clean like Magnum.

I see NB now sells the White House Beers as kits. Pretty awesome! They are using 1/2 oz Nugget at 45 min and 35 min for the bittering in the Honey Porter kit.

[quote=“Chester3”]I see NB now sells the White House Beers as kits. Pretty awesome! They are using 1/2 oz Nugget at 45 min and 35 min for the bittering in the Honey Porter kit.
:cheers: [/quote]

Pretty quick to pull that together and get it on sale. The recipe was only released last Saturday.
I’m looking forward to the Honey Brown in the near future, and NB has made it easy for us novices. I wonder if the White house will release (sell) the honey from their apiary for a really authentic brew!