Purchasing brewing items in bulk

I commonly purchase homebrewing equipment to resell in order to fund some of the operation. I often run accross a chance to buy items in bulk and with the option to make an offer for the price. Just curious what everyones idea of what percentage below retail makes a fair offer to the seller when buying items in bulk? Say 30+ used ball lock kegs at a time.
FWIW I typically sell items for less than current retail prices in order to save a fellow homebrewer a few bucks.

In the case of kegs, I would think you would have to look at what you would be able to re-sell them for, including shipping, to sell to fellow brewers for under retail, including shipping.

My guess it that you would have to be 25-30% below retail?

I only sell items locally so there would be no shipping costs. Either way, based on bulk keg purchases that I have made in the past I know that I can get them for closer to 40% or more below retail. But, trying to make an offer that is fair to both me and the original seller.

I think it depends on your exposure - are you paying for the bulk item up front and then selling by the piece or are you taking orders first, pooling the money, and then buying?

I can’t give you a percentage, but I can tell you that my brew club has bulk corny keg buys now and then. We’ll get between 50-75 at a time and pay somewhere around $25 a piece. If you were to get them at that price and sell them individually for maybe $30-$35 a piece… I think that would be more than fair.

Payment is always made up front in cash. I feel good with $25 each as well and don’t think he’ll have an issue with it. Thanks for the replys!

Prices will vary regionally, but if you can turn a sell into a customer, you both benefit.