Pliney Secondary Fermentaion

My Pliney is in the secondary fermentor now. The directions call for about 2 weeks. Unfortunately, due to a couple of unforeseen circumstances, I have not had the chance to bottle yet and it has been about 3 and a half weeks. Is this detrimental to the beer, or will I be ok if I bottle it in the next day or two?

Has it been sitting on dry hops for the entire period? 2 weeks vs 3.5 weeks is not a big deal in secondary, but most people don’t generally dry-hop for more than a few days to a week.

yes it has. looks like I better get bottling tonight. thanks for your feedback.

I just racked my Pliny to a keg on Monday. I tried something a little different this time.

After 2 1/2 weeks in primary, I threw in the dry hops. After a week, I racked to a secondary, where it sat for a few days. I then cold crashed, and after 2-3 days, I added gelatin. Let it sit for another 3 days, and then racked to keg.

Different for me in that the first time I only used a secondary with no cold crashing or gelatin.

I think letting it sit on the hops for that long is a gamble…so I’d probably be in the bottle ASAP camp.

Here’s what I don’t get - Although I’ve never personally experienced it, dry hopping for an extended period of time (like over one week) is supposed to lead to grassy or vegetal off-flavors. What about the guys that dry hop in a keg and leave the hops in the brew for months? Why wouldn’t these be full of grassy flavors? I did recently dry hop with centennial for 2 weeks before bottling, and don’t notice any off flavors in the batch.

I have thought of that myself. Would the temperature in the serving keg have anything to do with it? Jut a guess, as I have no other explanation for it.