Even that BrewSmith idea has me confused now.
BrewSmith said my pre-boil Gravity should have been 1.103 for 3.5 gallons. Look like I actually had less volume, but measured a pre-boil gravity of only 1.045 (after adjusting for sample temperature.)
So I spent the rest of the brew session feeling utterly useless, and lamenting the Tripel that my poor mashing had ruined.
Here’s the kicker though, we finished the brew, and measured the actual OG right before pitching; and we nailed it.
So CLEARLY I entered something into BeerSmith wrong. Thinking about it 1.103 seems ridiculously high for a pre-boil number. Since we hit the actual OG number clearly our efficiency matches NB recipe’s assumption.
But the question is still out there, how would I measure my efficiency if I was not on a recipe kit?