After I sanitize everything is it safe to wipe it down with paper towels to dry it off. If not what should I use?
No need to dry or rinse if using a no rinse.
I do that once in a while, for instance when using a measuring spoon for yeast or a cup for sugar. Had to use some when I made root beer the other day. I figure the paper is close to sanitary.
I consider paper towels, plastic wrap, and foil sanitary right off the roll. I’ve never had a problem because of it.
After I sanitize the small stuff, I lay it on paper towels. I also use a paper towel to dip in the sanitizer and wipe things down. I’ve never had an issue.
Iodophor is no-rinse, and it should be dried.
I use paper towels as if they are sanitary.
[quote=“kgeis”]Iodophor is no-rinse, and it should be dried.[/quote]You’ll get differences of opinion on that statement.
Thanks for all the input. Planning to brew my 3rd batch in May
Good luck and have fun! Let us know how it turns out.
+1 and if you’re wiping off sanitizer, the paper towel would stay sanitized as it soaked up the liquid.
While people are not having issues with infections, those products are not produced in a sterile environment nor are they likely packaged in one as well. While your odds are low, there still is a chance. But what is life without a little risk or chance?
There’s a difference between sterile and sanitary. As homebrewers, sanitary is fine.
I doubt my paper towels are very sanitized off the roll. If I am using them I am spraying them with star san and wiping things down.
Rolls in my kitchen sitting by all kinds or crap, food, etc.
They are made of cellulose that is not much of a foodstuff for most organisms, they were never touched by human hands, they were most likely processed with alkali and bleached. I’d say they are as sanitary as they can possibly be given that they are made from a plant.
With plastic wrap and foil, there is no food source and they wee most likely made with heated processes so sanitary for these reasons.
[quote=“paultuttle”]After I sanitize the small stuff, I lay it on paper towels. I also use a paper towel to dip in the sanitizer and wipe things down. I’ve never had an issue.
+1! Do this all the time. Never had an issue.
I work around paper for a living, slime holes caused by bacterial and fungal growth in paper are very common.