I swear that I have had an issue with having an orange off flavor in a lot of my bears lately. I am racking my brain and I can’t figure out what is going on. Has anyone had this experience and how did you fix it??? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
PS…I think a lot of this has to do with using us-05, wyeast 1056, and white labs california ale, but i am not 100% sure. I would think that i would not have the problem as i tend to ferment on the lower end of the temp range.
I have no idea what could be the cause, but when I hear citrus my first thought is what hops are you using? Could this be due to a particularly aggressively flavored batch of hops?
Some hops taste kind of like orange, such as Warrior, Challenger, Amarillo… there are several. The HopShot also can have an orange sort of flavor. So my guess also is that it might be the hops.
I had brewed a stout with WY1056 and an amber ale with SA-05. The ferment was at 62° to 63°. They both had an off flavor in the background. Later information I came across was that below 65° these two, basically the same yeasts, will produce a peach flavor.
Flars, that is an excellent point. I was considering this, but admittedly I have been confused by the information that I’ve seen that supported or not supported this point. Has anyone else noticed this issue as well? So often we talk about not letting yeast get too warm so as to avoid off flavors, but what about too cool?
Glad I came across your post while searching 1056. I’m surprised too low of a temp would produce off flavors- usually it’s at too high a temp. Better safe than sorry- I pitched at 65*. :cheers:
Glad I came across your post while searching 1056. I’m surprised too low of a temp would produce off flavors- usually it’s at too high a temp. Better safe than sorry- I pitched at 65*. :cheers: [/quote]
Keep the fermentation under 72° though. Over 72° the off flavors produced are much harder to swallow.
I have also noticed a peach flavor using US05 even at different temps. There might be a lot more at play here like water chemistry and ingredients used and more. I have found that even if the yeast are from the same strain the liquid yeast is different then the dry.