Hi All,
We have an old wine barrel that we have not used in about 4 years. Before that, it was used every year and cleaned after every use.
We are thinking about using it again next October as we are looking into making a bigger batch (at 50 Gal).
What steps should I take to make sure the inside of the 50Gal barrel is properly cleaned/sanitized and ready for use?
Thanks so much!
First, I’d fill it with dechlorinated water to make sure it’s still tight. Then you want to rinse and disinfect it. Drain the water, fill it again, and drain it again. Fill it with a solution of cold water and potassium metabisulfite or sodium bisulfite (you can get either at a homebrew shop). Let it sit for a few days (you could leave it like this for years, and next time you’re storing it, leave it full of this sulfite solution). Then drain it well and fill it with your wine.