Oktoberfest Extract Kit

I brewed the Oktoberfest kit about a month ago. The recipe sheet suggest 2.5 months in the secondary fermenter… This seems really long. Does this style need to lager for this long? What affect does kegging early have?

Thanks in advance.


no difference. it’s in a closed vessel. you’re cold conditioning anyhow. :cheers:

are there any benefits from aging for a longer period?

it will be more rounded off & smoother tasting.

I am sure it will be very drinkable, but will only get better with time and cold conditioning.

I have also noticed a lot of what looks like carbonation in the hydrometer samples. I read somewhere that this can be a bad thing. Wild yeast fermenting and dextrine sugars??? Is this typical in a lager/oktoberfest?

The lower temp of a lager allows more CO2 to be absorbed. When you bring you sample out and warm it up, the warmer liquid has to release some of that gas. If you’re naturally carbing, be sure to account for the extra CO2 that results from colder fermentation.

Also works with ales.