Looking for advice/feedback/suggestions from those who have brewed NB’s Off the Topper, their Heady Topper clone.
It seems like a solid recipe and I would like to hear from others who have brewed this before.
Looking for advice/feedback/suggestions from those who have brewed NB’s Off the Topper, their Heady Topper clone.
It seems like a solid recipe and I would like to hear from others who have brewed this before.
It’s great! The Yeast Bay’s yeast makes the beer, though. Plan on saving some and reusing it over and over again.
I loved it and will brew it at least once per year moving forward. I waited until I had my pump/immersion chiller setup so I could properly do both hop stands and a stirplate setup for liquid yeast starter. It’s a fantastic kit.
great beer, great recipe, great yeast.
check out this thread I started. Treating the yeast right is key to making the beer.