No Krausen, no fermentation?

Hi all, I think I may have committed a string of minor errors that could have sunk this batch. I’m somewhat of a noobie (this is my 6th batch) and I’m going for the St. Paul Porter (extract kit). I used the wyeast ringwood ale yeast. Basically, Since my brew on Sunday, I’ve not had any action in the primary. No krausen, and only minor air-lock bubbling (which I attribute mostly to moving the primary down to the basement).

Here’s what has me wondering if I made a fatal error, or a combination of several small ones:
–I forgot to smack the wyeast pack the night before the boil (boiled Sunday morning). I smacked it when I started the brew and placed it on top of the fridge (a warm-ish spot) to hopefully speed up the swelling, and then into the warm sanitation solution. I did listen to the pouch and heard the small snap-crackle-pop that usually signals a healthy yeast pack. And I’ve also read that the smack packs don’t necessarily need to inflate (inflation merely signals yeast health).
When I added the yeast to the wort, the wort was on the upper end of the temperature threshold (about 79 to 80 degrees; I forgot to check before I added it in…). The instructions say 78 degrees is the upper limit.
–And then I moved the carboy down to the basement, where the rest of my brews reside. I woke up this morning, realized that since we’ve been having nice weather we have not been running the heat or AC, but relying on open windows. The basement was actually pretty cool, only 60 degrees. Again, just slightly out of the range. So I moved it back upstairs where we’re usually between 64 and 67 degrees.
–I did not take an OG reading (I don’t really like to diddle with the brew after I put it in the fermenter. I just let it do its thing and transfer to secondary when it’s clear that fermentation has stopped for several days), but I did just take a reading and I’m at 1055 (OG is supposed to be around 1052).

So here’s my question: do you think the combination of all these minor things could cause the batch to fail. Or do I need to chill the hell out and sit tight for another couple days.
And If it never takes off, is it OK to add another round of yeast? Luckily, I have a LHBS within walking distance and I could pick some up.

Please correct any mistakes/misconceptions I may have. I’m here to learn. Thanks everybody!

[quote=“timmeko”]Hi all,

Please correct any mistakes/misconceptions I may have. I’m here to learn. Thanks everybody!
i say leave it for another day upstairs. pitch more yeast if you dont see any action by tomorrow night. my bet is you will. nice to have a shop around the corner.

See this thread, in which I referenced another thread that it could take up to 72 hours for signs of fermentation to show.


Relax, don’t worry… :wink:

[quote=“Nighthawk”]See this thread, in which I referenced another thread that it could take up to 72 hours for signs of fermentation to show.


Relax, don’t worry… :wink: [/quote]
i think youll be ok

Wow, you guys are too good. And fast. Thanks for the reference. I feel bad that I didn’t find that on my own before making a new post.
I’ll keep an eye on it and chill out. Thanks for the warm welcome to the forums. There’s so much here.
All the best, Tim