So…I have a problem I think. I just brewed up the Imperial Stout extract kit from NB and 48 hours later I still don’t have any sort of active fermentation…
I’m worried that I killed the yeast somehow waiting to brew the beer. See, I bought the kit in late January and took a while to get around to brewing. And I forgot to put the Wyeast packet in the fridge. Yeah, I’m an idiot.
I made a yeast starter and that really never got active either but after reading around I thought that maybe the yeast were just a little slow so I pitched it anyways.
The OG was right on where it should be so I can’t really figure out what’s going on or if there’s a way to salvage the brew.
Did I screw it up with the yeast? Is there a way to fix it? Like can I just pitch some more yeast? Or will that screw the end product up?
Thanks for the help-