I am a newbie at this whole thing. So far I really enjoy it. I was looking into a NB kit but had a few questions. Right now I have made a couple batches with mr.beer and everything turned out okay. Would you recommend a NB system to a newbie? I want to be able to brew a higher quality beer than mr beer allows. How does one compare NB and Mr Beer?
NBer’s extract kit setup is pretty easy and can yield a great product. I’d recommend it and it was the way that I got started with brewing.
If you go this route, a few things to think about if you really want to make better beer:
fermentation temperature
pitching proper amounts of yeast
cleaning and sanitizing procedure
These are each cold side (meaning after the boil) procedures that are equally if not more important to making a quality product.
Excellent. This really helps. If I am on the correct line of thinking here mr beers canned extracts can vary in taste due to the age of the can that is ordered. Mr beer also seems to get quite expensive in terms of refills and quantity produced.
[quote=“560sdl”]I would say that with NB kits, you can make much improved beer over anything that can be made with a Mr Beer kit.
Kind of like going from an “easy bake” toy oven that uses a light bulb for heat to the real thing.[/quote]
I stepped up to NB kits from Mr. Beer a few years ago when I was still brewing extract beers and was amazed at the difference. You’ll be glad you made the switch.