hello all
i’m going to brew my first batch of beer and i have no one nearby who can hang out and help me through the process. i’ve read a bunch but need to just get started doing it and learn on the ropes
so i thought i’d ask the forum for any tips. i know sanitation is the key, don’t worry! i have a long background in cooking so i am going for all-grain but the book i have doesn’t really give a ton of detail about this - it assumes i’d want to start with extracts but i’m always interested in going straight for the exact thing i want…
my first batch will be Terminator Stout (with the oats thrown in):
http://beerrecipes.org/showrecipe.php?r ... s2N8P.dpbsthe instructions are pretty straight forward, though there is no info about bottling. i bought all the ingredients from Northern Brewer (except the liquid yeast which i got locally), and i have a BSG brewing kit that my wife got me as a surprise.
my questions:
- i don’t have a big pot to mash in - i have something which is about 10 qt. i am planning on getting a 20qt pot so can get enamel or aluminum or steel. what would you get?
- do i put all the malt in the mesh bag that i got from NB, and the hops too? and pull them when the boil time is done?
- if i ever lose my bag or it breaks - can i just strain the malt and hops out at the end of the boil?
- i am looking at DIY chillers - either immersion chillers or wort chillers. somewhere it mentioned dumping the hot wort into cold water - what do you all think? i am for now only going to be doing 5 gallons batches…
- i like the taste of our tap water but i could be convinced to buy bottled water if anyone had an opinion
- do i just top the liquid off in the fermenting bucket to make it an even 5 gallons?
- is this Priming Sugar Calculator on this site reliable? what kind of sugar do you recommend for this beer?
- i have enough 20 oz bottles (plus some Grolsch) to bottle in, and also 2 cases of 12 oz bottles… any suggestions about which might taste better? i was planning 20 oz for this, and 12 oz for the next batch (an Imperial Pale Ale)
- i think i need a better book - what would be your recommendation if you could only have one book about brewing?
ok that’s it. i think i’ll call this Trial & Error Stout haha, unless it tastes as good as i hope it will