So for my birthday (Nov. 28th) I bought myself the deluxe brewing kit from N. Brewer. Being that Christmas was close at hand, I bought my dad the basic kit as well.
Funny thing is, on Christmas we opened presents, and my dad had gotten my brother the Mr. Beer kit. Needless to say, we were all on the same page
We keep the two big kits here at my house, and my dad does his own mini experiments over at his house.
We kicked out the first mini batch with the Mr. Beer kit, and I was reasonably surprised at how it tasted … ie. it tasted good (i had low hopes for Mr. Beer)
Our Irish Red got bottled last weekend, and we are eager to pop the first top. I’ve sampled the beer at secondary fermentation, and at the bottling stage, just to gauge the progression … and if the sample I had prior to bottling is any indication, I’m looking forward to that first real drink!
Anyhow … our second big batch is the Caribou Slobber, and it’s about ready to be bottled. With all the bottling we’ve been doing … we’ve been salvaging all the New Belgium, Sam Adams, etc. we can find since with the two batches we need close to 80 bottles.
With that said, I’ve been thinking about storage of bottles a lot lately (as our collection grows).
With that long introduction aside, here is my question…
Does it matter for carbonation on whether the bottle is standing straight up or lying on it’s side (ie a wine stand, the bottles are laid on their side)?
I was thinking about getting/making a cool bottle holder, both for my full bottles and my empties.
Let me know what your take on it is… and thanks in advance.
Cheers. :cheers: