Well, I consulted with Mr. Malty, and found out I need a 3L starter for my Red Hook Double Black Stout clone. So, here is the pic. I started with 3 L of R/O water, 3 cups of DME and 1 smack pack of 1056 (mostly swollen when I received it) and a vial of WPL001. This is after 1 day so far, with a few swirlys along the way. I’m planning on brewing Friday, so I was going to put it in the fridge Wed evening, to let the yeast flocculate, so I could pitch the cake. I do not have a stir plate yet. The cap is not on tight, It is loose.
Actually even if you had your gravity correct, looking at the photo, you are at risk of eruption. You do not have a great amount of head space with a whole lot of wort. Not always but quite often when I do the swirl I get quite a foam head on my starters. With that small a bottle (or conversly that much wort) I think it very possible you could get messy. I use a gallon pickle jar and never fill it over about halfish or so full when doing a starter just so I have swirling room. That doesen’t even cover the question at to could you just blow over - yea I think you could. You might not but you very much, looking a the physics of the thing, could blow.
I use John Palmer’s advice of 1/2 cup DME to 1 pint of water. So I usually make 1 quart starts and use a cup of DME or about 3.75-4 ounces. 1/2 cup to a quart doesn’t seem like enough.
I use John Palmer’s advice of 1/2 cup DME to 1 pint of water. So I usually make 1 quart starts and use a cup of DME or about 3.75-4 ounces. 1/2 cup to a quart doesn’t seem like enough.[/quote]
I think it’s more a case of John’s recommendation being over the top.
I use John Palmer’s advice of 1/2 cup DME to 1 pint of water. So I usually make 1 quart starts and use a cup of DME or about 3.75-4 ounces. 1/2 cup to a quart doesn’t seem like enough.[/quote]
I think it’s more a case of John’s recommendation being over the top.[/quote]
Yeah? Well, perhaps I’ll go less for my next starter. 3.75oz to a quart is good though, right? Or is that too much?