I’ve been thinking about a PH meter and decided on one of these but I’m not sure which to get. Any good or bad experiences with either?
I have to admit I haven’t used the MW102 so I can’t really comment on it. I use the pHep5 both at work (geologist) and for my home brewing, and it does all I ask of it on both fronts. If you look around, you should be able to find it for around $75 or so.
It looks like they’re similar in overall function. The Milwaukee has the sensor on a 1 meter cable, while the pHep is a more compact, waterproof unit with the sensor in the body.
I don’t use either of those. I have a MW ph56 which is very similar in style to the phep5. If I were to replace mine I’d get something more like the mw102 because I like the idea of being able to insert the probe and then do other things. It’s a pain to have to hold the meter in the mash while I could be doing other things to move my brew day along. At those times the meter seems so damned sloooowwww…
just my $.02
I hear you, but I just pull an ounce from the mash after I circulate it for a while and test the pH that way. Standing there waiting for it to settle while holding it in the tun is a pain.
I have not used the Hannah, but can speak very highly of the MW102. Reliable, easy to calibrate, easy to use and very convenient to store (screw on cap holds a small amount of storage solution to keep the probe hydrated).
I’ve had two pH56’s malfunction even with fresh, properly hydrated probes. One was replaced by the manufacturer.
Thanks guys. If I take good care of the probe what am I looking at for life ? I like the way the mw102 has the cap that you can fill but the Hanna is a little cheaper and water proof so I’m torn
I have the Hanna. Works great and easy to care for. I don’t have any experience with the other.
I have the 56 but about to pull the trigger on the 102.
I’ve had it for about 6 months, light use (I don’t brew that much). The probe must be shot because it just will not calibrate anymore. It was taken care of as well… always rinsed clean with solution, placed in a prep solution while not in use, etc… We will see.
[quote=“Templar”]I have the 56 but about to pull the trigger on the 102.
I’ve had it for about 6 months, light use (I don’t brew that much). The probe must be shot because it just will not calibrate anymore. It was taken care of as well… always rinsed clean with solution, placed in a prep solution while not in use, etc… We will see.[/quote]
Similar to my experience with the ph56. I spent a lot of money on new probes, until it just wouldn’t function properly anymore.
You’ll love the 102. So much easier to maintain and more reliable.