I have very limited time lately but I’m really getting an urge to brew something. This question is related to all grain. Could I do my mash, collect the wort then put in in the fridge till a later date. Then just boil it add hops and such?
I suppose it would work. You will want to either do a proper mash-out, or collect all your runnings and heat them to a pasteurization temperature, like 170F for 10 minutes. Otherwise you’ll run the risk of bacteria from the grain going wild on your wort.
You could also take a look at no-chill methods. Pasteurize your wort, dump it hot into a sealed container, squeeze out all the air, and just store it at room temperature for a day or two. You can store pasteurized wort for up to 4 days before it’s at risk for botulinum growth, so if you plan ahead it should work fine.