
I finally went to after seeing it suggested about 1 billion times. The “Fourteen essential questions about yeast starter” should be required reading prior to making a yeast starter.

Based on previous threads about rinsing/washing yeast or not and a significant amount of time on I didn’t formally wash the yeast. I harvested yeast off conical fermentor 10 days into fermentation. I let the 1st big yeast/trub plug go and then collected the rest into a sanitized mason jar. I let it settle in fridge and decanted beer off (which was delicious by the way) and replaced with boiled/cooled water for an insulation layer. There is probably about 1 cup of solid material w/o a lot of hop material noted.

I used the Mrmalty “Pitching Rate Calculator” to try to figure out next batch. I selected the “Repitching from Slurry” tab and filled in this info: “thick yeast = 4B cells/mL” and the highest % (25%) of non-yeast material with a planned next brew 15 days after harvest (they estimate 70% viability at that time). They suggest 93mL of slurry needed.

Finally, on to the question: Is what I have “Slurry”? Does the calculator apply here?

(My current plan is to decanting water off and just direct pitching all of it on next brew day, trying to avoid a starter as I will be out of town and brewing the day I get back)

Sounds like you are the right track. I like to save the slurry in canning jars that are marked with mL so I know how much I have. I would round up to 100mL and pitch.

Slurry refers to any mixture of liquid and solid. Yeast slurry refers to a mixture of yeast and liquid. For all intents and purposes, you have slurry. As Beerginer suggests, go with 100ml of your stuff and call it a day.