I forgot how to do this calculation? I have 400mls of Belgian Ardennes yeast that will be 3 months old before I get to reuse for a 1.090 beer? Since I used it for a similar OG beer should I even bother?
I have read it is not a god idea to reuse yeast from a high gravity brew. The yeast may have been over stressed and not ferment the second beer with the same characteristics of the yeast. Highest OG beer that I have reused yeast from is 1.064.
There are two calculators which are better suited for calculating stepped starters.
http://www.brewersfriend.com/yeast-pitc ... alculator/The Brew United calculator has an option for over building the original starter. This will allow saving some of the yeast, from the starter, instead of the fermented beer. Ideal option when doing a high gravity brew. You will always have fresh yeast to make a new starter with.
http://www.brewunited.com/yeast_calculator.phpYeah I though same so I tossed it. Thanks for the help.