Magic Hat "IPA on Tour" Ticket to Rye

Apparently the tour is a limited edition IPA every three months for a total of four.

This one is (obviously) their Rye IPA, and it’s a good one.

Almost a champagne like nose, High IBU jolt with a gentle, lingering bitterness, like fondly remembering at 42,the girl who ate your heart at 16. Nice dark honey brown color, label says 7.1% ABV.

The Wife saw it and brought it home for me as a surprise. Besides, she recently discovered Rye IPA’s and loves them.

I just had one of these the other night.
Wonderfully balanced Rye PA. It’s everything an IPA should be but the rye is awesome.
It starts out with what a really full bodied IPA (balanced) is and the end of it is the rye that really lingers.
Very pleasant.