After initial/primary ferment, my latest Hefe attempt ended up with a F.G. of 1.014 after starting out at a 1.060! I’m curious as to how this could be???
There DEFINITELY was a lot more trub in the bottom of the fermentor, but the 1.014 shocks me a little bit. Here’s the 5 gal batch recipe:
C382I Weyermann® Bohemian Pilsner - 3 lb. crushed
C036I Briess Bonlander Munich Malt - 1 lb. crushed
G352C Weyermann® Pale Wheat - 5lb. crushed
HP31 German Perle Hop Pellets .5 oz.
HP09 German Tettnang Hop Pellets .5 oz.
Y021 Danstar Munich Wheat Beer Yeast (rehydrated and pitched at 76 deg.)
I will say, that the wheat seemed more like 4lbs than 5, but…the BIAB bag was as big or “full” as it normally seemed when I finished, AND - like I said in the beginning - O.G. after temp correction was 1.060 with a full 5 gal, so…
I did the typical 60 min. mash and cool, but given it had been so hot, I ordered and tried the dry yeast this time (plus NB was out of all of my “normal” Hefe ingredients). I read multiple reviews on the yeast and a fair number said they had great success with simply rehydrating and pitching, so - short on time - that is what I did. Also, where I live, we have water from a water tower, so the lowest I could cool my wort was to 76 degrees, so I pitched at that temp, and then stuck it in my 68 deg. basement. 24 hours after pitching, I had consistent - but not crazy - bubbling, so I left it alone and didn’t check it until two weeks later when I tested it and racked it into the corny keg.
Ferment temp was a fairly consistent 68 degrees +/- one or two degrees.
So… what in the world would cause me (the yeast) to chew down to 1.014??? …I’m usually sitting around a 1.050 on my “2007 Great Bavarian Hefe” recipe.
Curious as to what folks think. …and how they think it’ll turn out after another two weeks of aging.