LOW F.G. on a Hefe... Thoughts?

After initial/primary ferment, my latest Hefe attempt ended up with a F.G. of 1.014 after starting out at a 1.060! I’m curious as to how this could be???

There DEFINITELY was a lot more trub in the bottom of the fermentor, but the 1.014 shocks me a little bit. Here’s the 5 gal batch recipe:

C382I Weyermann® Bohemian Pilsner - 3 lb. crushed
C036I Briess Bonlander Munich Malt - 1 lb. crushed
G352C Weyermann® Pale Wheat - 5lb. crushed
HP31 German Perle Hop Pellets .5 oz.
HP09 German Tettnang Hop Pellets .5 oz.
Y021 Danstar Munich Wheat Beer Yeast (rehydrated and pitched at 76 deg.)

I will say, that the wheat seemed more like 4lbs than 5, but…the BIAB bag was as big or “full” as it normally seemed when I finished, AND - like I said in the beginning - O.G. after temp correction was 1.060 with a full 5 gal, so…

I did the typical 60 min. mash and cool, but given it had been so hot, I ordered and tried the dry yeast this time (plus NB was out of all of my “normal” Hefe ingredients). I read multiple reviews on the yeast and a fair number said they had great success with simply rehydrating and pitching, so - short on time - that is what I did. Also, where I live, we have water from a water tower, so the lowest I could cool my wort was to 76 degrees, so I pitched at that temp, and then stuck it in my 68 deg. basement. 24 hours after pitching, I had consistent - but not crazy - bubbling, so I left it alone and didn’t check it until two weeks later when I tested it and racked it into the corny keg.

Ferment temp was a fairly consistent 68 degrees +/- one or two degrees.

So… what in the world would cause me (the yeast) to chew down to 1.014??? …I’m usually sitting around a 1.050 on my “2007 Great Bavarian Hefe” recipe.

Curious as to what folks think. …and how they think it’ll turn out after another two weeks of aging.


1.014 is not that low. That sounds normal to me, I don’t make hefeweizens but most of my beers finish 1.014 or lower. You said most of your beers finish at 1.050? If you started at 1.060 and got down to 1.050 that would be super sweet and only have 1% abv ~. What do you use to test your gravity?

Holy hell…

Well…out of embarrassment I thought I would yank this post, but I think I’ll leave it so others may laugh WITH me - as well as AT me…

gdtechvw - yeah…let’s just chalk this one up to “it was early” and “I hadn’t had my caffeine yet” and “whatever else makes me look less like an idiot!” LOL!

Crisis averted. I wasn’t thinking apparently. Yes…I normally START at 1.050 and go to 1.010. …1.014 is just fine by me - especially after starting at 1.60.

…I need a beer! :lol:

[quote=“Chris Roe”]Holy hell…

Well…out of embarrassment I thought I would yank this post, but I think I’ll leave it so others may laugh WITH me - as well as AT me…

gdtechvw - yeah…let’s just chalk this one up to “it was early” and “I hadn’t had my caffeine yet” and “whatever else makes me look less like an idiot!” LOL!

Crisis averted. I wasn’t thinking apparently. Yes…I normally START at 1.050 and go to 1.010. …1.014 is just fine by me - especially after starting at 1.60.

…I need a beer! :lol: [/quote]

We have all been there. :cheers:

Maybe too much beer? 1.60? Sneezles61 :cheers:

LOL!!! 1.060…

Walk away from the keyboard, Chris… walk awaaaaaaaay from the keyboard… :lol:

:cheers: Sneezles61