Local Store Yeast Storage

Hello there! Just signed up, been watching BrewTV for some time now, but since I am about to do my first homebrew in the next couple months I decided to sign up and ask a few questions that aren’t normally asked in the brewing world.

So, in the “Connect” section of the site, there is an article on storing your extra materials when not in use. It stated that dry yeast packets should be put in the freezer to prolong the yeasts life. Well, I have a local homebrew store in my town(sorry Northern Brewer :cheers:

I regularly purchase dry yeast from my LHBS where they are stored at room temps. The vitality of dry yeast is pretty high and lasts for quite some time. Keeping it in the fridge only increases the length it can be stored (around the order of many years).

Ok, the store I frequent stores it at room temp, so I assume yeast has a pretty long life span until bothered or its environment is compromised. Thank you for the peace of mind!

I don’t know of any yeast manufacturer that recommends storing yeast in a freezer. Check out the sites of the yeast manufacturers for the best info on handling and preparing yeast for brewing.

One gallon brew kits can get by with a 5 gram packet of dry yeast. Five gallon batches should have at least one 11 gram packet of dry yeast.

Liquid yeast almost always will require a starter to propagate the extra yeast cells to bring a fermentation to completion.


As read in the article, 2 years is common shelf life.
As read in the article also, dry yeast is a living thing and being the very high glycogen contained it can withstand any cold <40f without damage to cells and will without a doubt aid in preservation. All I have ever heard is to store in the fridge/ freezer if for longer periods.
If anyone has specific questions you are always encouraged to email/ call the producer directly.

We are not speaking to liquid slurries here. That is a whole differnet ballgame entirely allthough if not continually repitched liquid needs cold storage for preservation also but entirely different regimen than dry.

NB and many other quality shops do keep all dry yeast in refriderator storage until combined with kits prior to shipment, or you grab one from the fridge yourself if in store.