Left Hand Stranger Pale Ale

Save this one for the BMC’ers. Starts with an underwhelming bitterness that washes away into a sea of nothingness. No flavor. No aftertaste. Definitely no aroma. I don’t know what they were going for with this one but they need to send it back to the drawing board.

left hand makes some pretty good stuff, i’ll have to seek this one out and see what went wrong :?

A friend brought me a bottle the other night and I would have to say I was completely not impressed. It wasn’t horrible but I wouldn’t buy it. If I was handed a bottle I would drink it.

The above review is fairly accurate IME. Whatever was there was fleeting at best. Having said that it’s a good beer for my buddy who is just getting into craft beers. He digs on some SA Octoberfest, Spaten Octoberfest, Paulaner, Three Floyds Gumballhead, and some others. His goto daily drinker would be Coors Light but he’s getting there…and he’s honest with me about my brews that he tries. He’s getting there.

The only Left Hand I ever had was pretty good.

The name is good… :wink:

I was disappointed with this one. I gather it was supposed to be an English style IPA, but it just seems like an underflavored one to me. I’d definitely be into an IPA that broke out of the c-hop mold. Not that I don’t love them, but something different would be welcome. The name is a little hokey too - I guess their next beer will be ‘Layed On My Hand Too Long’ Ale.