Leaves And Ladybugs

I went out to my garage to set a few things up to brew tomorrow. I opened the garage door and sat my table up, leaves were blowing from every direction. I went back in the house for a min. and came back out and LADY BUGS! were all over my table I had set up. There were thousands of them flying around and crawling all over everything. I don’t know if I can brew or not tomorrow, I guess that is what I have to deal with when our house sits on the edge of our 10 acres of woods, + hundreds & hundreds of acres of woods around our place. The weather people are saying it is going to be dry for about the next week. I guess I’ll see what the lady bugs do tomorrow.


You could try a stove-top boil. This time of year though them lil buggins are abundant.

Cheers again Jazzman…glad you’re back!!

Just make sure you do a good protein rest. :mrgreen:

Just kidding. And welcome back, jazzman. :cheers:

I got the 2nd batch of my 5 beers brewed today. The ladybugs weren’t a problem, I had one land on my table when I was cleaning up I gave it a shot of star san I had in a spray bottle sitting on the table, it killed it instantly. I got done just in time though, I had put my stuff up and was sitting in the garage drinking a Schlaflys Oktoberfest and I herd a combine coming down the road and in turned into a field across from our house and started cutting beans. The wind was blowing the dust away from our house, I moved to the deck behind the house and looked at the woods. I had a very good afternoon.


Good for you!!! you’ve earned it. What did you brew, if you don’t mind me asking?

I brewed one of my house beers yesterday, it is loosely patterned after a English Bitter. It ferments real quick and has a ABV around 4.5% it is a nice session beer. The first of the five was a oatmeal stout, I may be able to put it in a keg this weekend or early next week. Up next is going to be another house beer, it will be a light gold to amber color with northern brewer hops. No. 4 will be a American Wheat, and no.5 will probably something in the light color range for the people that think the darker the color is the stronger the beer is, if you know what I mean. I pulled a couple kegs out I had packed away and one of them Had a tag I put on saying cleaned June of 2011. I pulled the relief valve and it still a full head of pressure on it. I don’t remember putting the tag on it, that was back in the days when I was still recovering from chemo. A lot of things I did for 2009 to 2011 are still foggy in my mind.
Dr.Gonzo I have a question for you. Where in Southern Illinois are you located?


Lawrence county…land of the tall corn.