I have nice pipeline of brews going so it looks like I’ll have time to fool with a lager. Thinking of skipping the flaked barley on this one but tempted to add 5% wheat (my secret ingredient) Incorporating some IPA style late hopping techniques I like.
97% german pils
3% acid malt
1.050ish 60minutes @ 150F single infusion (deviation from my 30 minute mash)
All Saaz
20 IBU bittering
2oz @ 15min
2oz 30min stirred hopstand
Aiming for 40IBU a la Jever but 50% of IBU from late additions
Distilled water with CaCl to 25ppm Ca and aiming for mash pH of 5.3. WLP830. Pitch 45F. Raise t-stat but no heat to 65F after krausen begins falling (diacetyl rest) 2 week total ferment with a few days @ 65F. Transfer to secondary, crash cool, and hit with gelatine 2 weeks @ 30F. Grain to glass 30 days…
What say you? Ridicule and sarcasm encouraged.